Valentine’s Day Photo Shoot | The Matty Family

Katie and Julie, we rounded up the entire calvary for your photoshoot! We brought in the best of the best — Sweetwater Caravan, Poppin’ Cleveland, Lavender and Lace rentals, just to name a few. We rounded up all our favorite people to celebrate a very special day with our favorite Matty sisters: that’s right, we’re celebrating Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is a day to share love and affection with the people close to us. That can be our significant others,  our parents, and yes — even our sisters. You two made a real party of this set and showed us how much sisters can love each other! Or maybe just how much sisters can love candy and cupcakes… we don’t blame you there! Valentine’s Day is also a day to celebrate our one true love: chocolate and candy! Boy, did we celebrate it! 

But seriously, thank you for celebrating Valentine’s Day with us. We’re honored to be in the presence of such wonderful princesses, who deigned to come from their castle and give us a dance or two. Literally — you came from Landall’s Castle the night before. We’re swooning even thinking about it! You had a weekend of being princesses and having the world spin around you like your spinny skirts, and there are no two sisters who deserve that kind of weekend than you. You shared your love and happiness with your parents, each other, and us, and we couldn’t be more blessed than to give you a bit of that happiness back. 

We hope that when you look back at these pictures you remember how happy you were and how much you love each other. Having a sister by your side makes the world a little bit easier to navigate (even when she steals your cupcake…) and we’re so happy to have a part in the journey that you two will take together. There will be ups and downs, but through it all, you have a connection stronger than any dragon could break. We can’t wait to see where that bond takes you, and we hope for an invitation to your next dance party. Until then, stay sweet.

All Pink Dream Session
All Pink Dream Session
Valentine's Day Photo Shoot
Valentine’s Day Photo Shoot
Valentine's Day Photo Shoot
Valentine’s Day Photo Shoot
Valentine's Day Photography
Valentine’s Day Photography
Love Themed Photo Shoot
Love Themed Photo Shoot
Love Themed Photo Shoot
Love Themed Photo Shoot




Brittany Gidley Photography